International Marbella’s Home Cooking


Ham mousse Pancake Rolls
3 tbsp Finely chopped ham
2 tbsp Finely chopped red onion
2 tbsp Watercress
Tabasco to taste
Salt and Pepper
1 large tbsp Mayonnaise
3 Pre-cooked pancakes

Mediterranean Cheddar Tartar
3 tbsp grated Mature cheddar
2 tbsp chopped Black Olives
1 tbsp chopped Red Chilli
2 tbsp spoon Mayonnaise
Salt and Pepper
Serve on any form of base

Dill Salmon on Rye
Smoked Salmon
Rye bread cut into shapes
2 tbsp Creme Cheese
1 tbsp Gravlax Sauce
Fresh Dill

Faux Pornstar Martini
Passion fruit juice
Vanilla essence
Passion fruit to garnish

Tine’s Hugo
½ white wine – ½ Lemonade
Sliced Cucumber
Fresh Mint